Middle School (5 – 8th grade)
Technology is everywhere: roller coasters, elevators, traffic signals, and even refrigerators. The fact that everything works may seem like magic. But, the "magic" is performed by the programmers who write the code.

Middle school students learn how computers have become a part of today's knowledge-based society and are used in nearly every industry. Their curriculum takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as programming, physical computing, software tools and keyboard techniques. Students engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun.
An interactive introductory course for students brand new to programming that teaches the foundations of computer science using the Python language, CodeSkulptor, Keyboarding Online, Google class room, Microsoft Office 365, Code.org and App labs.
This course inspires students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.
Semester-long and year-long curriculum
Web-based video classes, activities, and practice exercises
Regular quizzes, projects and exams
Auto-grading and progress tracking.

Keyboarding Online:
Keyboarding Online is a full curriculum to teach students how to type and break hunting and pecking habits. Keyboard Mastery is an intensive course that will teach beginners how to type and teach experienced typists to type faster. Covered are: alphabetic keys, punctuation, numbers and symbols. Lessons can be customized to shorten or lengthen the course (e.g. omit the numbers and symbols lessons, skip beginning lessons for experienced typists, etc.) Timing drills include 15-second, 30-second, 1-minute, 2-minute, 3-minute, and Optional Timings of 3-minute, 4-minute, and 5-minute. This course is best as a quarter or semester course. Course contains over 560 timed drills.
APP Lab:
App Lab is a programming environment where you can make simple apps. Design an app, code with blocks or JavaScript to make it work, then share your app in seconds.

About the course
​Python Language:
This course introduces students to the exciting world of programming using the Python language. Students will gain a basic understanding of object-oriented programming and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they learn to design, code, and debug Python programs. Challenging assignments encourage them to master important programming concepts such as variables, operators, Print, Output, Input, Datatypes and control flow constructs. Students will use their creativity and imagination to write the program according to the requirements. They will also discover how to use functions to reuse code and how to read and write to files. Students use CodeSkulptor IDE to run Python programs in web browser. It acts as a Development and Test environments.
By the end of the course, students will be able to understand the below topics by practicing lessons and code
What is Computer Science?
Using Python
First Program
Hardware Basics
Middle graders learn basic programming concepts such as loops and events, basics of programming, collaboration techniques, investigation and critical thinking skills, persistence in the face of difficulty investigate different problem-solving techniques, persist in the face of difficult tasks, and learn about internet safety. Students develop their understanding of algorithms, nested loops, while loops, conditionals, and events. Game Lab is a programming environment where you can make simple animations and games with objects and characters that interact with each other.