Elementary School (KG – 4th grade)
The aim of elementary school technology instruction is simple: to teach students the mechanics of using a variety of technology tools to enhance their learning.

The appropriate use of technology enriches students’ learning experience across the disciplines and promotes higher order thinking skills. Desktop Computers, MS-Office 365, Smart board and Printers are used as learning tools to support classroom curriculum, develop research skills, and design and build interdisciplinary projects. Students study and use a variety of creative content, authoring and sharing applications. Skills such as JavaScript Coding, Keyboarding and navigating the Internet safely and effectively are taught. Multimedia projects are designed as interdisciplinary projects, and targeted curricular software provide instrumental reinforcement.
Students in KG through Fourth Grades attend the instructional computer lab once in a week and have access to networked computers in the classrooms. They develop skills in word processing, keyboarding, process writing, and data base. They learn to use technology for research purposes, and to use computers to develop products which are integrated with other areas of study.

About the course

JavaScript Coding:
Lower graders will learn the programs and skills to complete meaningful tasks and assignments. They learn basic programming concepts such as loops and events, basics of programming, collaboration techniques, investigation and critical thinking skills, persistence in the face of difficulty investigate different problem-solving techniques, persist in the face of difficult tasks, and learn about internet safety.
Students develop their understanding of algorithms, nested loops, while loops, conditionals, and events. Beyond coding, students learn about digital citizenship.
Students will practice coding with algorithms, loops, conditionals, and events before they are introduced to functions.
They will translate their initials into binary, investigate different problem-solving techniques, and discuss how to respond to cyberbullying.
At the end of this course, students create their very own custom game or story they can share.​
Lower graders will learn proper keyboarding techniques that promote both speed and accuracy with TypingClub.
TypingClub is the most effective way to learn how to type: It is web based, simplified approach to the keyboard techniques. The color-coded rows to the keyboard reinforce correct technique to make keyboarding a comfortable way of learning.
Lower graders will skill with 3 levels of keyboarding with automatic skill promotions.
Home Row - 23 lessons
Top Row - 27 lessons
Bottom Row – 26 lessons
Apart from fluent keyboarding and accuracy, they also learn the right body position, hand position, striking technique, habits, knowledge and attitudes that form the foundation for learning to type. With this foundation in place, typing speed and accuracy are the natural result.
Software Tools:
Become increasingly proficient in Microsoft Office 365 tools such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint and other productivity softwares.
Using MS-Word, students design flyers and learn how to
Create and Save a Document
Format Text
Insert an Image
Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker